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He's not the guybrush we use to know!


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Guest C Shutt

Actually, I <em>was</em> talking about characteristics.


And no, GB112, I didn't make a habit of beating people up in high school, but there are certain people it's impossible to resist. Guybrush in MI4 reminds me of a guy I went to high school with who had chronic acne, and disgusting greasy hair. And despite the fact that no woman would ever go near him, he'd constantly bore everyone s<em></em>hitless with these horses<em></emhit stories of how much he was getting laid.



"You want me?

Fucking well come and find me,

I'll be waiting,

With a gun and a pack of sandwiches."


-Talk Show Host, Radiohead.

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"Even Gilbert said that the guys who worked on CMI misunderstood the guybrush character and what he was about. He was NEVER meant to be a nerd...ever"


Well guess what, he is now. You need to find some sort of new hobby to help you get over this tradgedy. I think They have support groups for this sort of thing.

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Guest Guybrush112

Physical appearences I'm fine with. I like Guybrush's new hair but I can deal with THOSE kind of complaints. But if C Shutt hates the series, he should just go to a forum full of pessimists.



"Mortal fool! Release me from this retched tomb! I will hide your keysin your upholstered furniture! And never more will you be able to find socks that match!"

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This seems like a fighting match smile.gif


Look, Guybrush is Guybrush! LeChuck is LeChuck! Elaine is Elaine! That is the point! Guybrush is STILL the goof! LeChuck is STILL a undead ghost with one purpose: To marry Elaine! Elaine is STILL the love of Guybrush and the goal of LeChuck. NOTHING HAS CHANGE!!! The story is still the same. For the people who think that EMI was crap, then why the hell did you buy it!!! Or waste your time on this forum. Games are not the same. They develop like everything else. Even if they did change the characters, why are you crying about it?! Lucasart might had hired different designers, directors, etc. I don't think the designer's goal was to change the characters and the whole story. Or if they did, LIVE WITH IT. I am not a die-hard fan but I ENJOYED the MI series including EMI. Shutt, I can see why many people are mad! And you must understand. Your responds are not "well thought out."




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This is pathetic... CShutt, why are u wasting your time here slagging off the game?


the same thing that happened to Tiberian Sun is happening here... The game wont be a flop cos of one or two people rant about it...


just go play Tomb Raider 5 like the rest of the sheep!!!






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I think Guybrush has become a bit more of a nerd in CMI and EMI than he was in the originals, and maybe that's a betrayal of Ron Gilbert's original vision, BUT what does it really matter ? IMO the humour in the most recent 2 games has been just as sharp, and it's got a different edge, and that's what counts. True, some of the stuff was a bit hit and miss (in CMI particularly), but the same was true for the originals, just people tend to look at them through rose-tinted gl***es nowadays. Plus, I don't think the first two games were intended as the out-and-out comedies that CMI and EMI are - and naturally with a higher density of jokes, you're going to have more duff ones.


As for Guybrush, he was always a wimp really - an idealistic young man who pictured himself as a pirate, but clearly wasn't. I mean, he never defeated LeChuck through fighting or action, it was through the puzzles and his wit - why, then, would we want a butch piratey Guybrush? I sure as hell wouldn't - the day Lucasarts make a Monkey Island action game a la Infernal Machine is the day I say goodbye to Guybrush. I personally love EMI, and I think the current incarnation of Guybrush, along with the voice, is spot on; slightly pathetic, yet eminently loveable (ahem, in a strictly masculine way of course :p). True, it's probably not how Gilbert would have manifested him were he still at LucasArts, but hey, that's change; that's life. Get used to it :p

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Yeah, if you have to complain, complain about the less important characters that may not even BE in the next game! (If they make one.) Just leave Guybrush alone!




I am the queen of all monkeys! Bow down before me! BWAHAHAHAHA!!...I said bow!...Hey I'm serious!...BOW!...Stop that giggling!

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  • 1 month later...

I totally agree! People that didn't like the game should just leave us alone! And all of this arguing won't change their minds. Although I will say that I think Guybrush is just Guybrush,a nice, big hearted, goofy dreamer who just won't stop dreaming smile.gif.


(And I also think his voice suits him well biggrin.gif)



P.S- I'm new to this forum, so be gentle wink.gif.

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You guys are crazy Guybrush Threepwood was alaways suppose to be at least clumsy, for the love of god look at his name Guybrush Threepwood if thats his name it kinda sticks out as funny, macho pirates aren't named like that there named like Calico Jack, Black Beard, Celine Dion, maybe Lucasarts should make 2 seperate monkey island games. You possible arggg. But what would happen if we combined the bearded Guybrush from the second monkey island, the large foreheaded Guybrush from the third monkey island and the fashion sense of the Guybrush from the newest monkey island, the answer is I dont know, I kinda lost the point of this... well........... WHY WON'T EMI WORK ON MY COMPUTER, I MAKE ALL THE REQUIREMENTS!!!!!!



What do you mean these aren't my pants?

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Yeah, Guybrush has always been a nerd.


Larry Ahern and Jonathan Ackley (CMI leaders) even said:


"Many people are saying that Guybrush looks too much like a geek in CMI for their tastes. But what a lot of people just never realized, and Ron agreed with us in our assumption, was that Guybrush has always been a geek. People just never realized it because they didn't have a voice to connect with the character of Guybrush. I mean, a guy who says to people, 'I want to be a pirate,' instead of just going out and just acting upon his piratey impulses obviously isn't a macho kind of guy."



"That's the second biggest monkey head I've ever seen!"

-Guybrush Threepwood

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