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why do people find monkey kombat so hard?


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The help and guides, Timmy?!! come now, if you wanted to get through it with as little help as possible it is a little tough, especially considering the uniqueness of the puzzle, I mean ack, oop, chee, typed in with directionals to change to a stance that may or may not defeat another stance, depending on values that change from game to game. It took me a while to come up with system for recording the moves and their values, its not hard to see that some younger or less experienced people had problems with this, and then to jump on them for not copping out and going straight to the game guides? hey on second thought itt is kinda dumb but hey at least it got a rise outta you =)

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I agree with ya, timmy_da_monkey. It WAS eazy, but fun! I've heard it's different everytime. Is that true? Anyway, tha easiest way (IMHO) in Monkey Kompat is this: Make 2 tables.


Table 1















Table 2


Move | AA | BB | CC | GG | DM |











Fill these tablez by strategy named "Monkey See, Monkey Do" (-Jojo jr). When they're full it's REALLY eazy ta win: first check what's yer opponent's move.

Then check by 1st table, which move wins that. Then check how ta get into that winnin' move from yer move.


P.S If someone is a moron 'n' don't know, what those abbreviations mean, here's a list:


AA = Anxious Ape

BB = Bobbing Baboon

CC = Charging Chimp

GG = Gimby Gibbon

DM = Drunken Monkey



Y'all know what I'm sayin'?


[This message has been edited by Largo LeGrande (edited December 28, 2000).]


[This message has been edited by Largo LeGrande (edited December 28, 2000).]

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