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this sucks!!

Guest NiKo!

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each time i had tried to post the last couples of times i got this message:


Sorry, but you do not have permission to reply to this topic.


Your registration request may not yet may have been approved by the Administrator or your posting privileges have been removed.


i tried E-mailing a mod about this problem

but i gues you cant trust anyone in todays world! so i had to Register, i couldnt do it because it kept telling me "user name allready exists, and E-Mail allready exists" so i added a "!" to my name (wich i dont like) and i had to go change my E-mail!!!! mad.gif

but now i'm back and i want ANSWERS!!! before i loose my calm again and start Reacting like a "you know what"!!!

(p.s, did this happen to anyone else?) frown.gif



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Guest ZeroXcape

You were sent a warning and explination of why your posting has been suspeneded.


Since you used a fake e-mail address, you never got the messages. The reason you will never be a three headed monkey is because in the past week, you've spammed this sit silly.


I'm really considering removing EVERY post from the NiKo account as it is.






EMI.com Webmaster


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