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Totally dissapointment...


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I am really bored and got tired of fighting all the problems that ý ve faced during playing EMI....

It s totally a dissapointment for me...

I can'T even play the remaining two acts 'cause of just testers slept during duty or have no ability to do...

I want Grim F. back... At least it had a great storyline and was cultural...

I was really amazed with how fast did they program EMI after G.F...

And soon understood why...

they really deserved this with what they ve done...

All hopes are saved for MI5..

please scream what u want for it to uncle lucas

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The only problem I had was because of the patch.

I removed the patch and it worked fine again.

The problem was at the swamp's gate, I couldn't use the key and the inventory didn't work fine. But as I stated above, other than that, the rest was fine.

About the game, I think it is great, great storyline, great as always, the only thing that nerved me a bit (but I don't say it is bad at all) was the final monkey kombat and its solution.

I miss the original Guybrush, specially the one in the 2nd monkey. In this case I'm talking about the grafics, which even with the old resolution were great.

The grafics of the two last monkeys are great, but talking about characters, I rather prefer the original ones. I think there should have been a coorelation, it is like watching Han Solo from Star Wars played with 3 different actors in each movie.



I finished them all.


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I would love to get bored of Monkey Kombat if ý could play the acts remaining...

you can't even guess how disapointing that d be as a monkey I fan... I really did cry

because ý live in Turkey and had no oppurtunity to change the game 'cause it d take so much time that d cause me yo hate the game..


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