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Demoralised the filing system is not trial and error.


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The filing system is not trial and error.

Eventhough the first time, I admit I used all possible combinations to solve it. The second one I get something interesting.

Each symbol represent a group of letters.

The bunny A,B,C,D,E

The next one F,G,H,I,J


I don't remember right now if there were more or less letters in each symbol, but play it again and you'll discover it.

The name Dave remembers for Pete would be something like:


Somename X. Anothername


Take the first letters S X A make the symbols match the letters and there you'll have the answer.


So, as you can see, there are no dumb puzzles, all of them are quite interesting, and could be solved whith a little bit of patience.





I finished them all.


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Guest The Feral Chicken

We knew that.



That's the second chicken I've ever seen! What with me being a pirate and all. I don't see many chickens in my line of work.

What? Stop looking at me like that!



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Guest nathanism666

I spent ages trying to work out a pattern in this, but to no avail.

So i just started working through each combination untill i got it.

There's only 125 combinations, and i did less than half untill i found the right one, so it took up less time than thinking about it!

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As I said before, the first time I used all possible combinations to solve the puzzle, because I was impatient to continue and didn't want to spend time thinking of that, but the second time, since I knew the end, I spend more time, figuring out that puzzle. And it came to me the name thing and all that.



I finished them all.


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