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Those $#%$%^%'n walkthrougs


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I dont know how to start!!

I'm really ashamed!!

I'm really sorry!!!!



SO after this introduction i want to say why i write to this forum.

It is verry easy to guess,isn't it?

I want to warn all you people out there !!!

When you play an adventure game like Escape from Monkey Island™ don't let yourselves to use a walkthrough. This is a kind of stupid thing and ****in' ****..<excuse me>

All the people from LucasArts™ are doing a great job to create such a great games like Monkey island and GrimFandango and they do it for us-the gamers that are lookin' to play quests!

So how the situation goes in lots of the situations?_You go to the shop and bye a new game.Then you go home ,turn on the computer,install the new game and begin the adventure!!!You play 2 maybe 3 hours and u det stucked somewhere in the game!!-What do you think most people do - they open www.yahoo.com then they write :walkthrough for escapefrommonkeyisland: then download it and then they USE it!!

I ask you all the humans out there-why do we use walkthrougs?Are we so stupid that we can't beat one game?

All the games are been made by people for people !!!I confes u used a walkthrough and after i saw the sign THE END i felt verry miserable!!!I can say that whan i am playing a game of that kind i wont use any hint if that cost me to play the game all my life !!

Take my advise!!

You wont sorry!You have your brain and you can think with it!!!!



That was all i wanted to say!!Iwill be verry grateful if only one human read this!!

P.S. My english is mot verry good because I am from Bulgaria and we study it only in school so forgive me if my text has some mistakes!!!

Oh and ...my e-mail is x_mf@yahho.com

if you want write me !!i will be verry happy!!Or if you want to ask me something !!Just write!!! Ok this is getting verry long and i am asking myself if onyone will read this article smile.gif)

OK i finished !!bye

10x for reading


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  The notion of going through games without help would have made perfect sense to me...until I started playing these games!

  My own mind is slippery and bent enough, most of the time, to see things in a great many different ways, but on my best day I could never begin to replicate the solutions to some of these puzzles. It wouldn't occur to me, except in the most perverse of moods, to create such a contraption.

  Examples abound, and I've seen a good many spoofs of this sort of thing in articles and reviews, but one early example suffices: the contrivances one has to go through to enable [unidentified character] to identify our bank-robbing villain for us--we having already used our last wits to figure that he might have such information in the first place--is not the stuff for which rational thinking was devised.

  In situations such as this, help is sorely needed, or the game becomes too frustrating to enjoy. While the puzzles are a challenge, and often humorous in themselves, there are much more important things for us to give our full thinking ability to in this world--we would do well not to burn it all out here!

--Paul Nelson

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