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Who has never used the walkthrough?


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I have to say that I agree with most ppl here, because the puzzles in MI4 seem less intersting and logical than in the other MI's.

I also played a lot of Sierra On-line games in the past (SQ 1-5, KQ 1-4, PQ 1-3, LSL 1-4, etc.) and seldom used walkthroughs...

But they had an excellent feature on their site. They made a list of hints of which gamers would have use of.

Problem with walkthroughs is that you begin to read it, often read things you didn't do yet (because the order in which you do thing can differ), and when read what you had to know, you easily read 1-2-3 lines further, spoiling much more!

That IS the problem.

Just make a hintlist of the most common problems and link it to the solution to the specific problem, don't just display everything!





acidpk from Belgium, land of the freakz

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I agree about the walkthroughs. You often accidently read the wrong section...


I have used the walkthrough a couple of times:


1. To pop the old guys balloon in the back of the SCUMM bar - I only did that because of an error with my game so that I couldn't see my speech options.


2. The plank diving competition - I didn't use that one dialog option that got the judge started talking about his wife


3. The parrots - I didn't even see the parrot whistle, and I went in the school house like 4 times.


Other than that, I did most of the puzzles myself, which I have to admit brings a big amount of satisfaction.




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I've used hints and walkthroughs some times to solve a puzzle, but thats just because I'm to eager. I mean you're sitting there playing Monkey Island, got stuck on a place, don't know what to do, and you know that the answer is just a click away out on the internet. I used help a few times from this site and i regret it.

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