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Short of monkeys Act 3!!!!!!


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Originally posted by brief:

Each monkey must find his own way... But the monkeys have great respect for the wearer of the bronze hat...


What were the pieces of the Ultimate Insult again?


i already do it, i put the banana picker , the bronze hat in the giant monkey head , but nobody goes, i try giving bananas to the monkeys but they don't want to go inside

i need more tips , i hate being stuck

sorry mi english!!!



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Originally posted by Kid:

you are missing the final piece of the ultimate insult, your friend Herman may have some info...


i think , i hit him to much times , because he repeats , where ,where, , i throw everything i got, the weee.. the milk bottle (i never used ) , the coconut, the acordion, the bannana picker , heeelppppp, (sorry mi english)


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Originally posted by mato:

i think , i hit him to much times , because he repeats , where ,where, , i throw everything i got, the weee.. the milk bottle (i never used ) , the coconut, the acordion, the bannana picker , heeelppppp, (sorry mi english)


for the ulyimate insult i need the golden man ( banana picker), the bronze hat(the one that jo jo givme and the monkey ( the giant head of monkey island)?


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Hola mato :

yo tambien soy argentino smile.gif y te puedo ayudar porque lo termine hace rato smile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gif


goplea a Herman con el coco cuando no se acuerda de nada, despues con la botella de leche y luego con el acordeon (si no lo tenes conseguilo)







[This message has been edited by GuybrushT (edited December 29, 2000).]

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Originally posted by mato:

i think , i hit him to much times , because he repeats , where ,where, , i throw everything i got, the weee.. the milk bottle (i never used ) , the coconut, the acordion, the bannana picker , heeelppppp, (sorry mi english)


I am having the same problem as you. Do you have the answer? If you do please tell me (in English).




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You need three things at these stage:

A coconut.

A milk bottle.

An accordion.


If you don't have them, go find.

If you do, use then in the right order (coconut-bottle-accordion) but be carefull, if Herman loses his memory, you'll have to start again with the coconut UNTIL he reminds something, then you'll need to throw the bottle and then de accordion.

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oh yeah, if youi hit him with a ny of the objects again after he regained that part of his memory, you'll have to tyalk to him, then ask him about his memory, then thorw the object that gave him the next part of memory again, he'll regain that part of his memory(somehow it didn't work for me when you just hit him with an object)



"Don't look at me, i just do what the voices in my head tell me to"

\/ R-Lt.JPG -Lieutenant on elite force board

/\ T-LtCdr.JPG -three headed monkey on escape from monkey island board

R-capt.JPG -Captain of the timeship U.S.S. Mad Monkey NCC-51241

R-Lt.JPG - Lieutenant on the HYL board


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You still have to try something else after you add all Ultimate Insult parts. IF you go into the monkey head and experiment with everything, there is a boiler, but the boiler has no pressure. How can you get pressure to the boiler? Try to find some way to accomplish this.

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