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For all who beat the game! (spoiler if not!!!!!!)


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Spoiler if you have not beaten the game! Procede with caution!!!!!



Well, this is a question about what you did at the end of MI4. When Jojo Jr leaves in the robot, and Elaine asks you a question, you have an option of replies, about 5 (maybe) of them. What did all you say and what did Elaine do?? I am just curious. I chose the 'life size pirate ship made of chocolate' answer and Elaine walked away in disgust. What did you put? Please respond, thanks.

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it doesn't matter what you pick, every option will get the same reaction from Elaine.




An advertizment for NFGboy:

Infomercial type voice- NFGboy, from Klingware international, one look and you are hooked for life. Your legs are jittering, your hands are shaking, sweat pours down your face when u see him. You lose your job because of all the gifts u wanted to buy him. Friends will suggest an intervention but u end up alone on the street, naked, hungry and screaming repeatedly, over and over, "I NEED YOU NFGBOY!"

So take the plunge into a phenomonon that has women around the world gasping for breath.

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