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Who in here has finished?

Guest nathanism666

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Guest nathanism666

Just out of here, who in here has finished.

Personally, i don't think that the game has any replay value, which is a dissapointing thing. I loved replaying broken sword.

I un-installed monkey 4 straight after i'd finished for this reason, that and the fact i did a full install - OVER A GIGABYTE! - NOT STAYING ON MY DRIVE 4 TOO LONG!

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I agree. The game seems to have no replay value at all. I've gone back and replayed all the other Monkey Island games, I've played LCR about three or four times and the others just twice, but I just don't think I can replay EMI. It was okay, but the humor is certainly not enough to make me come back to the game. Maybe I'll feel differently in a year or so and look back at the game, but I'm not sure I'll even do that with EMI.



Oh there's a monkey in my pocket/And he's stealing all my change/His stare is blank and glassy/I suspect that he's deranged.

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I finished in about a couple days too, but I think it does have replay value every once in a while I like to go back and see if I missed anything with comic pontential. though I'm usually pretty disappointed. For instance I couldn't give the gubernatorial symbol to the barkeep, I couldn't get into meathooks earlier, you know there must've one of those wild parties goin' on. I couldn't fall through that bridge, and just for old times sake it would have been nice to make rat suchi or something. Besides that ocassionally they'll be a decent easter egg posted on here. P.S was murrayball an allusion to mk3 with all the hidden mini games and such?

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meee i've finished it!! but is it just me or was MI4 REALLY REALLY SHORT??? it only took me a few days to finish it (yeah admittedly with a few hints) and while it was funny as usual, it just didn't live up to the other 3, well not for me anyways


luv kim xxx



"Being a teenager sucks. But that's the whole point! Surviving is the whole point."

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I've finished the game in about four days or so, which is just about the amount of time it took me to complete CMI, so if it weren't for all that running around using the keybord and not a mouse, I'd say they were both equally large. I'm replaying it now, and must say that the game is growing on me, so it does have a good replay value, at least that's my opinion!

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P.S was murrayball an allusion to mk3 with all the hidden mini games and such?[/b]

Murryball real just spin him around on his chair a couple times and you start a murray style pong game!





Rotate that fish 'cos thems don't bounce Skip!

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finished it in 4 days, but i wasn't playing it one and one half of those days because of that boulder puzzle, when i didn't know of pgup and pgdown instead of alt+up or down



"Don't look at me, i just do what the voices in my head tell me to"

\/ R-Lt.JPG -Lieutenant on elite force board

/\ T-LtCdr.JPG -three headed monkey on escape from monkey island board

R-capt.JPG -Captain of the timeship U.S.S. Mad Monkey NCC-51241

R-Lt.JPG - Lieutenant on the HYL board


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I finnished it in a few days too.

I used hints a few times. But the thing I really don't understand is that thing with the spinning adressbook or what it is. How do you understand that Monkey stands for A-F and Banana g-L. I didn't understand a thing.

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