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Calvin&Hobbes Adventure Game!


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can i just say, HELL YEAH it would be awesome!


as far as im concerned, calvin and hobbes is the greatest comic of all time.




An advertizment for NFGboy:

Infomercial type voice- NFGboy, from Klingware international, one look and you are hooked for life. Your legs are jittering, your hands are shaking, sweat pours down your face when u see him. You lose your job because of all the gifts u wanted to buy him. Friends will suggest an intervention but u end up alone on the street, naked, hungry and screaming repeatedly, over and over, "I NEED YOU NFGBOY!"

So take the plunge into a phenomonon that has women around the world gasping for breath.

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I'm already making a fangame (of sorts) with 'TheKingzJester' also known as Yorick.


But juggling 2 at once wouldn't be too hard.



Originally I meant a proffesional venture, headed by Watterson (who would select the voices and write alot of the script)


Can you imagine the inds of crazy puzzles youd have to do? It would be psycho...you could even go into some Space man Spiff dillusions......




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Calvin and Hobbes Adventure Game... Too cool...


Calvin and Hobbes Movie... It would be SOOOOOO great to see new material for C&H, not to mention in a full-length, animated film....





Dancing_Monkey.gif Energizer Bunny arrested, charged with battery.

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