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Pointless Thread

Guest Luke Skywalker

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Guest Luke Skywalker

This is where you post all your pointless posts about pointless stuff such as smilies and saber you want Tie Guy to make for you.

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Guest Tie Guy

Yeah, i'm working on it Rom. Maybe tommorow or the next day....


Anyways, i don't make smilies. I tried to and failed miserably. In fact, i can't even draw smilies on paper, which i am normally very good at. I design all my sabers on paper (in school :D) and then put them on the computer. I also have a very nice picture of an X-wing that i drew during Chemistry. Well, i think it is good anyways... :D

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Guest ICP Ringmaster

yeah thanx for making this "pointless" forum more "pointless" (and hey tie guy...are you a yankee or a pure born REBEL)

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Guest Tie Guy

I might change the requirement to 1000 posts, you you may only have to wait half a year :D


Really though, i can't just make exceptions, then they wouldn't be special anymore. :) I can maybe make something else for you though.

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Guest Olsmo Lahun

YAY i have half a year YAY





*lllllllllllloooooooonnnnnnnngggggggg tttttiiiiiiimmmmmmeeee*

I know ill start counting graines of sand

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