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Learning english with MOnkey Island. Need HELP


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hey, nice to have someone with same probs. Well, I didn't actually have, 'tho my motherlanguage isn't english I write and know the language quite well...


Still it's always nice to have someone on board without having English as a motherlanguage...


and I do mispell, and I do mistakes smile.gif embarrassing.. is it written so?




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There are a lot of non-English people here, I think. At least I am not, although I indeed do have splendid uuuuh, what`s it called, ah whatever.



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[This message has been edited by MagnusB (edited February 04, 2001).]

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Hello, i´m from Spain.

But i´m not so ahead than you with English, greg5


Here, in Spain, Mojo is the name of a sauce, but i think the word came from Mexico. But the root of the word is the spanish verb "mojar" that means to wet or to get wet


It´s funny to me, because there are many spanish-root words in Monkey. It couldn´t be in a different, way... the caribbean sea, you know.


See you

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