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EMI is hard?


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Nope. MI2 was by far the hardest.



Guybrush: Do you know anything about lifting curses?

Murray: Oh Yeah, I know a lot about lifting curses.

That is why I am a disembodied talking skull, sitting on top of a pike, in the middle of a swamp.

Guybrush: You seem bitter.

Murray: I'm sorry it's been a rough day.

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GAH!!! HARD? damn this game was by far the easiest.. CMI was easy too they are getting lack in their puzzles and not making them as hard as they used to be frown.gif which is sad since they are ruining the series anyway tongue.gif enough out of me and this is not a hijack on my part

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In a certain way, I AGREE with you, BoneMaster. Not, because the puzzles was harder themselves. But because the more uncomfortable interface, by:


1) 3D has one more degree of freedom to the places you can go. You have to make a "tridimensional map" in ypur mind, not only a sucesion of screens. Many places maybe hidden. Many doors dificult to open


2) The imposibillty to go quickly to another screen with a doubleclick, like the others MI

cause more "laziness" to test other alternative solutions


3) Nearly, you have to put more attention in the keybord than in the mouse.


All this reasons make a bit "harder", sloth, the navigation... between to sites, you can "forget" something in the way :-D


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I've never used any hints to complete Monkey Island's but I gotta say MI2 with the harder difficulty MUST be the hardest...


and everyone whom has completed EMI has said it's the easiest... frown.gif


Why didn't LucasArts listen to their fans and make MI4 much longer and harder? I hope this will be fixed to MI5...


but personally I can't say EMI is the easiest, I just suspect so...




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