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I used to like Star Trek when I was 12 or something... I mean the Trek-series were is capt. Picard and Number One... But I ALSO LOVED MONKEY ISLAND back then biggrin.gif and I think it's rather stupid to hate someone just 'cause he/she likes Star Trek... I could say that I hate people who drink alcohol... Well, I DO hate them... Yes, REALLY wink.gif (Oh, maybe not all of them after all tongue.gif ). That's just 'cause I have some bad memories about that kind of people. Mind if I ask what's the reason you don't like trekkies?

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drugs and alcohol are a waste. if I took drugs I would most likely be dead right now, I look like Im high most of the time anyway smile.gif

but stuff like that just brings you lower and lower and you always crave more. I much rater spend my time fishing for a 400lbs yellow fin (thats a real high), and enjoy my life naturaly.

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Originally posted by storken:

1)do no drugs

2)don't smoke

3)don't drink alcohol

4)often don't even drink coffein

5)Often a vegetarian


I thought they called that 'being a Mormon'... but then again, what do I know?


In regards to Star Trek--I did like Star Trek: The Next Generation (i.e. the ones with Cpt. Picard, Riker, Data, etc.), but didn't think much of Deep Space Nine and Voyager after watching those for a while during their first seasons.




Vroom Vroom!!

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Brief, as I was scrolling down through these messages, Mormons popped into my mind, and you took the words right out of my mouth. Anyway, can we stop this whole I hate Star Trek, MI rules thing? It's really immature, and why is there even a rivalry between the two things? I remember when those Trekkies came and spammed all over the place, but that was a while ago and Timmy5 wasn't even around then. So, can we stop this, I'm sick of seeing these topics.




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Well, I'm female biggrin.gif so I can't be a Mormon 'cause they're all guys...right?

I don't smoke, don't drink alcohol, I use very little caffein, I definedly will not use drugs,(neverever...) but, sadly, I'm not a vegetarian yet...though I'd like to be. (You have probably heard of that mad cow's disease eek.gif which is going on in Europe, though here in Finland cows aren't sick...)

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I never liked pc or video games, id rather go out with my gf or friends, and everyting used to fin into one of 3 catigorys to me, Food-Sex-Sleep, then one of my friends showed me Monkey island, now their are 4 subjects, Food Sex Sleep Monkey Island, need i ever say anything more,


Football 10% life-30%

Sex-30% Monkey island-30% Star Treck, 0%

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You should consult your local library. Anyway, it's this really different religion. This guy named Joseph Smith around 1830 in the US said he found a new book of the Bible around in upstate New York written on these golden plates. He could translate these plates with magic glasses or something. The plates talked about how Jesus and some followers were around in North America a long time ago before they were all killed off by Indians. Smith said the plates told him to establish a new Zion out west. It's really different from other Christian religions.

They eventually went out to Utah. I don't know why they have all these different policies in Mormonism. For the most part, Mormons can't drink, do drugs including caffiene, they have to go to church every day and about all day on Sunday, the men have to wear special underwear, they can't swear and I think they can only marry other Mormons. As I said before they used to allow polygamous marriages, which means the men could marry as many women as they wanted to. I heard about some people out in Utah having as many as 40 wives. I'm pretty sure they outlawed it though.

There you go, Mormonism in a nutshell. I'm certain there's more stuff to it and I might be wrong in some parts.

Please note: I'm not judging the Mormon religion. I'm not saying it is either bad or good. For the most part, I am just expressing its differences with more mainstream religions.





[This message has been edited by Dinghy Dog (edited February 18, 2001).]

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Drugs are f***ed up. Well, the hard stuff. but remember kids, more people have been killed by peanuts than ecstacy per year in the US (I live in the UK, but I guess its the same). Mostly stupid people who take ecstacy w/ alcohol so the brain swells inside the skull end up in hospital.


With brain damage or death.


As for the Trekkies vs. MI thing that started all this, I don't give a damn which is better (Kirk or Picard) and I don't watch Star Trek at all.




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Guest Dr._Threepwood

Originally posted by BoneMaster:

I don't like smoking and drugs. But i don't have anything against alcohol as long as you don't drink it too much and too often. smile.gif


I agree and think trekies should shut the hell up on this site



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