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hello everyone


I do not know if I have come to the right place but I need some help with efmi. I am stuck in the swamp and have tried every which way to get out. I wonder if anyone can give me a clue or direct me to a site were I can find one. I am enjoying the game (as I did the previous 3) and would like to carry on this minute (you know how it is)


Thanks in anticipation

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Got the map - get to see other guy, he gives me stuff but I cannot access my inventory to give it back to him! is there a problem with my program?


Originally posted by Einstein:

Well, if you don't have the map to pegnose pete's house, ther's no way to get through the swamp. You'll have to get the map first



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Guest Dr._Threepwood

Welcome and try hints and clues I saw alot of topics in the swap. If you still don't find something post something up there it would be answered more quickly.

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Guest nathanism666

hey, thats not a nice thing 2 say!

u know i'm ur ruler, and u adore me really!

but seriously, its only nfgb who i insult and generally don't like

every1 else, don't worry, i never call u gay


except grannen, i seem to remember callin him gay about a month ago,

and callin the gay who stuck up 4 him gay as well...

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Howdy Amanda! The guys are right:stay away from nathanism666(he's pretty much satan((and HE's gay))).Avoid admeral vaperise and thomas fellas too.By the way, I got nuthin against newfoundgloryboy.He's a good guy.



P.S:nathanism666,I still think you're a satanic arab that belongs in a mental assylum.



Greetings, UNenlightened one.

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Originally posted by nathanism666:

hey, thats not a nice thing 2 say!

u know i'm ur ruler, and u adore me really!

but seriously, its only nfgb who i insult and generally don't like

every1 else, don't worry, i never call u gay


except grannen, i seem to remember callin him gay about a month ago,

and callin the gay who stuck up 4 him gay as well...



you're my ruler, uh oh, we're doomed... as for adore you? i like some pedifiles better than you. at least they have a better vocabulary... "you're gay!" gets old fast. try a thesaurus.


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