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Weird Stuff...


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Got some weird stuff going to other forums, and thought I'd share them with you...


Take a look: http://www.thefever.com/AYB2.swf


You can read an explanation here.


And for something completely unrelated, there's this article (warning: strong language used)...




"I'm telling you, the thing won't print!

 Yes, I've pressed that button, like, a hundred times.

 You know, for a hotline, you're not so hot?

 Wait, what is that in the background?

 Are you watching Star Trek?!"

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Like I said, it's weird.... wink.gif


Seems to be a running joke about bad translations. biggrin.gif




"I'm telling you, the thing won't print!

 Yes, I've pressed that button, like, a hundred times.

 You know, for a hotline, you're not so hot?

 Wait, what is that in the background?

 Are you watching Star Trek?!"

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Here, the image below should explain it a little bit more.


It's screenshot from an actual game that Sega released in the US in the early 1990's:




I'll try to decipher the script as best I can...




<tr><td><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">In A.D. 2101

War was beginning.

Captain: What happen?

Mechanic: Somebody set up us the bomb.

Operator: We get signal.

Captain: What!

Operator: Main screen turn on.

Captain: It's you!!

Cats: How are you gentlemen!!

Cats: All your base are belong to us.

Cats: You are on the way to destruction.

Captain: What you say!!

Cats: You have no chance to survive make your time.

Cats: Ha ha ha ha ...

Captain: Take off every 'Zig'!!

Captain: You know what you doing!

Captain: Move 'Zig'.

Captain: For great justice.</font></td><td><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">In the year 2101 A.D.

War was beginning (???)

Captain: What happened?

Mechanic: Somebody set up a bomb for us!

Operator: There's an incoming signal!

Captain: What is it?

Operator: Showing on main screen.

Captain: It's you!!

Cats: How are you, gentlemen?

Cats: We have taken over all your bases.

Cats: You will be destroyed soon.

Captain: What? I can't believe it...

Cats: You have no chance to survive. Enjoy these last moments of your life.

Cats: Ha ha ha ha...

Captain: Prepare all the 'Zigs' for take-off!

Captain: You know what to do!

Captain: Get the 'Zig' in position.

Captain: [???? Um... ]We shall be avenged.[..?]</font></td></tr>





"...in the end, some Gungans died.

 Some ships blew up, some pilots fried.

 A lot of folks were croakin',

 The battle-droids were broken."

  --The Saga Begins


[This message has been edited by brief (edited February 23, 2001).]

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I'm bored, so I thought I'd post this over-a-week-old-reference, just for the heck of it...






If Happy Fun Ball beings to smoke, get away imeediately. Seek shelter and cover head.


[This message has been edited by brief (edited March 06, 2001).]

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