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Completing the game


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its either because gb cant win, or because gb always wins. Or maybe its because the LucasArts crew was drunk the day they did this ending.





Well, u know. the trip wasnt really like its showing, i had to make it comic... u know... no one kicked me out... well, just this guy... i mean an army of undead koalas and some evil forces from hell!!!!!!... and this mushroom... well the mushrooms were the evil forces of hell... mushroom, singular... ok forget the koalas... WHY ARE YOU PEOPLE LOOKING AT ME????? KEEP READING THE FORUM, NEVERMIND THIS!!AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Hmmm... I might be completely wrong, but I connected this to the occassional comments of... hmm, was it Herman? I palyed the game too long ago. Anyway, with the occasional comments of the character who commented during the fight.

There was something like: be one with the monkey... do what monkeys do best... use the monkey-tactic...

Well, in Hungary (and I assume that in other parts of the world, too) monkeys are characterised by their talent for mimicng, imitating or mocking actions. There is even a word, to Ape, I think.

So: you have to mimic the actions of LeChuck... and then he will just get so anoyed, or so depressed, or whatever, that he will give up.


Or at least I thought so! wink.gif




Gnomish Master of Tales and Tricks

at your service.



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yeah, tahts true, but it still doesnt explains WHY





Well, u know. the trip wasnt really like its showing, i had to make it comic... u know... no one kicked me out... well, just this guy... i mean an army of undead koalas and some evil forces from hell!!!!!!... and this mushroom... well the mushrooms were the evil forces of hell... mushroom, singular... ok forget the koalas... WHY ARE YOU PEOPLE LOOKING AT ME????? KEEP READING THE FORUM, NEVERMIND THIS!!AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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yeah, tahts true, but it still doesnt explains WHY





Well, u know. the trip wasnt really like its showing, i had to make it comic... u know... no one kicked me out... well, just this guy... i mean an army of undead koalas and some evil forces from hell!!!!!!... and this mushroom... well the mushrooms were the evil forces of hell... mushroom, singular... ok forget the koalas... WHY ARE YOU PEOPLE LOOKING AT ME????? KEEP READING THE FORUM, NEVERMIND THIS!!AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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If I can remember correctly, someone said that in one of the games (most probably CMI or EMI) LeChuck says there's only one thing that he hates more than a loss... a draw. Maybe that's why?




THX to Brighteyesmonkey for this magnificent sig. Final Fantasy and all :)

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