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Mystery of Druids

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i wanted to bring helen's topic back, but i couldnt find it.



anyways, i downloaded the demo and its really cool (short, but cool), but i didnt find it to buy anywhere. through which site did u buy, frenchy?



<IMG SRC="http://www.angelfire.com/apes/mi/filme___al_back_from_the_big_whoop_03.gif" border=0> <IMG SRC="http://members.hostedscripts.com/randomimage.cgi?user=bigwhoop" border=0>

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" SRC="http://members.hostedscripts.com/randomtext.cgi?user=bigwhoop"></SCRIPT><P align="RIGHT"><font size="1">(hit F5)</font><P/><hr>

<font size="1">KEY: b=be; b4=before; c=see; n=and; u=you; r=are; ur=your; w=with; wo=without; y=why; smc=suck my cock; wt=what the[...]; jk=just kidding; ll=will; ppl=people </font>


[This message has been edited by Al-back from the BigWhoop (edited November 15, 2001).]

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Try bidding on http://www.ebay.com/ but beware, if the guy you buy from goes by the name of carbo_man.......



<IMG SRC="http://members.hostedscripts.com/randomimage.cgi?user=fender" border=0>

<A HREF="http://www.bszone.f2s.com" TARGET=_blank> <IMG SRC="http://www.bszone.f2s.com/bilder/logo.jpg" border=0> </A>


<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" SRC="http://members.hostedscripts.com/randomtext.cgi?user=fender"></SCRIPT>


<A HREF="http://members.hostedscripts.com/guestbook.cgi?user=fender">Take my Survey!</A>

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Originally posted by fender:


is that u <IMG SRC="http://www.escapemi.com/forums/smilies/cwm35.gif" border=0>

anywas, i dont trust my money in those guys... (well not those in particular biggrin.gif) but i know some friends that lost a lot of money in that stuff...







i wonder how can amazon not have it.


<IMG SRC="http://www.angelfire.com/apes/mi/filme___al_back_from_the_big_whoop_03.gif" border=0> <IMG SRC="http://members.hostedscripts.com/randomimage.cgi?user=bigwhoop" border=0>

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" SRC="http://members.hostedscripts.com/randomtext.cgi?user=bigwhoop"></SCRIPT><P align="RIGHT"><font size="1">(hit F5)</font><P/><hr>

<font size="1">KEY: b=be; b4=before; c=see; em=them; n=and; u=you; r=are; ur=your; w=with; wo=without; y=why; smc=suck my cock; wt=what the[...]; jk=just kidding; ll=will; ppl=people </font>


[This message has been edited by Al-back from the BigWhoop (edited November 14, 2001).]

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