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OK how do you think the nextgen-consoles will do, and how will the PC survive it? My opinion:


-PC: Will survive everything. It started on the PC, it will end on the PC. Because of the high prices for upgrades, only a elite will stay. The producers for PC cant afford to bring out a bad game, cause the market for them shrunk, so only very good games will come out for PC. It will be the console for the hardcore.

-PS2: After a diffcult birth a lot of great games are now coming out for the PS2. It has the quality of PSX, and cause many ppl have got a PSX, they will most likely choose for PS2 instead of for another console

-Gamecube: Dark future. I dont think Nintendo will be able to shake off the kiddy-image of the N64. At first, all kind of gamers will buy it, but after one or two years, only the kids will still use it

-XBox: The great mistery. The public doesnt seem to be enthousiastic, although it has great specs and some amazing games coming up. I think the ppl first have to get ensured its worth buying. After a difficult first year, it will become almost as big as the PS2

-Gameboy Advance: Cant hate it, lots of fun and great graphs for such a small machine





<IMG SRC="http://monkeyislandclub.homestead.com/files/deadmeat.gif" border=0>


I'm the root of all that's evil yeah

but you can call me cookie.

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Guest Crime Boss

Sorry I can't process a text with more than 20 words! Just kidding!<IMG SRC="http://www.escapemi.com/forums/smilies/cwm20.gif" border=0>



I am not really a crime boss but what the heck!

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*hugs her PC and PS2* does blaze wuv her PC and PS2 yes she does... 0.o uh... Did I say that out loud...?



-Blaze Marley-Flamestrike


AIM: Chocobo Blaze

Neopets: perbulbadash

Monkey Mug.com The Monkey Island Fan Site



Uh... I had a greet idea for a quote! IT WAS THE BEST QUOTE EVER! ....But I kinda forgot it... hee hee...

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