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Regarding the sith duel...

Guest Darth G

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Guest Lord Tirion

"But I still think your just taking your own meanings from something he said..."


Fergie, how can I create my own meanings when that was an EXACT quote from George Lucas himself??





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Guest Darth G

Well, i know that vader is the one that hunted down all the remaining Jedi...


But if u noticed, it's the Emperor/Darth Sidious that planned and strategize it all.


All Maul, Vader and Tyranus are, are just tools for the Emperor's bidding...


In other words, they would be nothing without the master... if Maul wasn't killed, he would the one who hunts the Jedi instead of Vader.


Vader is merely a replacement for Maul existance.


Another reason why Maul would win would be becos he had the most dark side/sith training...


He was the first apperentice of Sidious, meaning that Sidious trained him the most... the others were trained with just too little time as compared with Maul.


Another thing, if u notice that most of the Jedi training is passive... ie, weaker than the sith. Meaning that Vader/Anakin wasted his early years learning how to control, control that instead of just unleasing fear, agressiveness, hate, anger and evil in his training... unlike wat Maul had...


So my stand is that Maul rocks!

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Guest Admiral Odin

Quotes like many other things are open to interrpetaion. If you have ever written a critical lens (an essay where you take a quote an interpet it) you will see many people take the same quote differently.

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Guest isthisfor_real

Ah geez, I didnt know there was another post on this:( When I first saw the GL quote Nexsis I too first thought that you're pulling your own meaning from it.


Back to Maul and Vader


Look at your own quote "Sucess is mearsured by body count"


Maul body count: One jedi


Though Maul did kill other people they were nothing but scrub assinations. His first battle with Jedi was with Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan.


Vader body count: Most of the jedi


Vader is the one who betrayed and murded the Jedi as Odin pointed out what Obi-Wan said.


Now Vader has sucess on his side.

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Guest Darth G

do u doubt that Maul is unable to accomplish all that vader has done??


I don't... I repeat, all of them are tools for the emperor... the success is not due to Vader but by the emperor. It doesn't matter who, Maul, Tyranus or Vader... all of them would have accomplished it.


It's only that Maul has the longest training under Sidious, meaning having the most sith abilities.

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Guest Lord Tirion

LOL man you guys crack me up. You wont even listen to a direct quote from the man who created the whole series. I think its time you look in the mirror and ask yourself why you are so stuck on Vader. I mean if George Lucas himself says that line and you still deny it, then you have my pity.


BTW, this goes out to anybody who has the TPM DVD. Am I lying in what I said about what George Lucas quoted about Vader and Maul??

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