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JKO'S New Features Vs. JK Mods


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Hello again all, I havent been posting for ahwile, busy working on my site, etc. Anyhow, I would like to discuss everyones thoughts on JKO'S new features from the original JK, and how it may compare to the latest mods?? I have recently played, Sith Sabers, Saber Battle X, and GOTG...some of theese mods implemented game play features such as acrobatics( flips, handsprings, rolls, etc) and new saber moves. Although, some of theese features were kewl, and i thought that the features would add to the gameplay, etc, for some wierd reason, it just wasnt the same or as skill based as playing standard JK. Im concerned that the new features, especially in saber dules, will take away from the skill aspect....Having played theese mods, Im really starting to think that all" special" moves, should be spred out by a time constaint or force generated, so that there are time gaps and restraints on how often you can use theese features. This way, like i found playing the mods, you dont have players running around rolling and fliping every second, just so they dont get hit....theese mods were great for guns, and added to the speed of play, etc....but for dueling, it just plain stunk...imho....what are you thoughts??? And have you played theese mods???...Thanks guys, and its good to be back :D

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I have to say I havent played any JK mod for a long time, or JK for bit either. Needless to say I havent played the latest editions of the mods you speak of. On the topic of acrobatics, it is hard to tell. While your image of constant handflip etc would be very detrimental to saber duels, I doubt they will have that extent of acrobatics.


They have (presumably from the latest screen shot) added a flip to Force Jump but I cant see them adding too much. From what we have seen and heard they are improving the saber battles a great deal. They said they were putting greater emphasis on the saber this time around and I dont believe Raven would ruin this with too much acrobatics. If the saber battles are likened to the E3 footage I dont think you have to worry. They may add something like the ability to roll to the side a little, but the saber duel looked much more fluid and realistic than JK's ever was.


Im really starting to think that all "special" moves, should be spred out by a time constaint or force generated, so that there are time gaps and restraints on how often you can use these features


I dont know what special moves you are refering to, I havent heard anything about other moves. I think most of the "special" things we are able to do will be Force Powers. I dont think they will add a whole lot of other things, especially in the movement department. Because it may not only take away from force powers (which will be added to and improved a great deal I think) but if talking about acrobatics like you said it would interupt duels.


Raven would test things to make sure they dont have the effects you described.

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Thanks for your reply, and I agree. I, like most people, am looking forward to the added gameplay features for JKO, from the confirmations we have received. I like the fact that they will incorporate acrobatics into the gameplay, however, having played theese mods, this must be( and i have no doubt they will)moderated in someway.My concern would be, wanting to play MP games, without force, and not being able to use the new features, simply because they are force generated. Meaning, unless you have a game that allows force, you will not be able to use the new features. If you get a chance to play any of the MODS I mentioned, you will know what Im talking about. They had an evastion roll, and front flips. The problem was, there was no restraint as to how often you could use theese gameplay features. Seeing players rolling and fliping around every second, made the game play very weak. I dont doubt Raven for one second, I'm just more curious,than concerned. I guess if the new acrobatic features are all force functions, I would learn to deal with it, as long as they allow MP players the option of SPECIFICALY what force features the want, and dont want, as apposed to force bundles, dectated by levels. Many people discussed the option of double tapping for rolls, flips, etc, would be the way to go....after playing theese mods, simply double tapping would not prevent this from happening.Honestly, the evasion roll was the best thing about the mods I played, and the worst thing as well, cause there was no restraint...which was very annoying. Hopefully, at the least, Raven will make even the evastion side roll a force feature as well.. Just seems like allot of things that can absorb your force power, dont you think???



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