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One worry about Raven...


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This may seem petty to you guys, and i agree raven.. specially recently.. have made some damm good games, but my little worry is the backgrounds.. i thought some of the backgrounds in Star TrekElite force were pretty criminal..Soldier of fortune looked beautiful.. but was only the quake 2 engine.. but elite force was using the quake 3 engine , so i was expecting a bit better (maybe too much) the characters animations, expolsions etc.. all looked awesome, but the backgrounds.. specailly the scene outside the ship (when you looked out any window into space im meanin) were not that impressive.. yes most of the backgrounds looked great.. untill ya get close to them but not in soldier of fortune.. where they looked good close up.. im hopin that with a bit of experience witht he engine this wont be a problem.. guess i wanna know if anyone else agrees on this? but apart from this little ***** im crappin in my pants in excitement.. as their recent games have been awesome .. even elite force (overall). Im not callin raven crap.. they arnt, im just worried about this small thing which took a bit away from the game for me personally, but unfortunately there are no screenshots which will appease my worry.. oh well we'll find out in a year i guess.. :cool:

P.s one onther small thing is the legnth of the game.. elte force wasnt that long (be honest it wasnt) soldier was decent legnth, but living up to the standards set by the last 2 dark forces games, will be tough, but i guess they have the support of lucas arts so it probably wont be a problem.. :cool:


[ August 11, 2001: Message edited by: SkUnkY_OuNcE ]

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I agree with ed when i played EF the first time it was on a P2 450 w/V3 16meg card.


then i upgraded to a p4 1.3 w/GF 2 32 meg card, i upped all effects/res. it was very nice so its really a hardware issue.

Now IMO the eye candy is secondary to gameplay & story. Actually i even rate multiplayerability above eye candy.


i reccomend you save some money so when the game comes out you have @least 256 megs of ram & a GF 3 card with that you will get a pretty picture, but in multiplayer dont look @ it to long for there are alot of dark ones lookin to extiguish your flame.

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heh P4 1.3 eh.... waste of money that thing can't perform as fast as a 900mhz athlon or even the old PIII. Theres good reason for that too, the L1 cache right away cripples the thing, only 8k, sheesh a 486 had that mutch and how old is that.. anyway i could rant on about its other crapibiltes but i won't. also ram is Dirt cheap, but not for P4's as they use RDram for now. and EF had pretty lousy Skyboxes in my book low res all way and shoving the skyinto ure face half the time, the distance from sky to player shoulda been double, that at least woulda killed the blurryness.

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