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Please change saber control


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All I have to say is, I sure hope the saber control is different from what it was in JK. As fun as the game was, the whole reason JKII was going to be so much better was the saber control. From what I've heard from reports of the PC Gamer article, it's more of the same. Doesn't anybody else feel kind of let down? :mad:

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Not really, as only the rough edges of detail were given away. We wont find out more until we play it.


Anyway, JK at the minute has no real importance - maybe when I find out more about the imminent strikes against the Murderers (to put it nicely) and I feel that some sort of justice has been done.


I have a feeling that it will be a Long time yet. We are only just beginning.




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Guest Krayt Tion

A few things.


First off, I haven't had the chance to read the article because I have not recieved my PC Gamer yet. I am unclear as to whether you mean they described the saber system in detail enough for you to say it is still similar, or the lack of information of the saber system has lead you to your conclusion.


I think I speak for most of us when I say that we don't want a carbon copy of the JK saber system. I think I can say with some confidence however that from the information I possess now we are not going to get a carbon copy of the old JK saber system.


I think the real question is will it differ enough to satisfy people.


Re: what Wardz has said: I feel comfortable discussing the game at this point. Anyone that has been reading the off topic forum knows the consideration and thought I've been putting into the current events like many others over there. However, terrorists will not be permitted to take away that which I enjoy (in this case discussing this upcoming game). Currently I spend most of the day following and pondering these current events and I do not think any less of myself to still take a little time out to still do what I love.


Personally, I can understand how frustrating (to put it nicely) it is to see people completely shrug this off. People will be entitled on these forums to continue pursuing game discussion even if it comes at the expense of doing what they can to address this new global era we seem to be entering.


We shall not become the Thought Police, telling people what they should think and how they should feel and acting upon it. That would be just want the kind of thing the terrorists might want. Furthermore, regarding the people that would love to discuss the game here, we don't know what they are doing and thinking about when they aren't talking about the game here. Maybe they like to limit their dicussion of these events to people they can actually see and touch.


In either case, discussion of the game will continue, it must continue as a reflection of a preservation of our way of life. No one by any means has to participate in game discussions if they do not desire to. I also understand that people on these forums do not want to feel like any less of a fan while they attend to matters of true global importance.


Your response wasn't entirely responsible for all of this little speech but I thought I would take the time to clear a few things up. Please carry on.

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well thats a conversation stopper.


I wasn't trying to make him stop his discussion, I was just saying for me AT THIS PARTICULAR point in time, JK pales in significance.


Moses, if it came across a little harsh then sorry, yet K-Ti's worries are unfounded.



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Guest Krayt Tion

I thought I made it clear at the end of my post that I wasn't making all those points based on your response Wardz? Just things that needed to be said and this was an appropriate place to cut in.

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Ok. First of all, I am not blaming you for what you said Wardz. In fact, when I looked at the post I had made, it did sort of sound like I was shrugging off the whole situation in the world right now. I would like to say that is MOST DEFINITELY not the case. I would gladly never talk about this game again if it meant this whole crisis could be over with. I also probably read the off topic post more than the on topic one at the moment. Krayt, I agree with your post...partially. I agree that we should not judge those who "shrug off" the events to talk about the game, because this IS the game site. However, it is still not right for them to shrug it off. So in defense of my honor, I do not care more about games than life.


Now, back on track...WinterJedi, thank goodness you weren't talking about the game! :) That's a load of my mind. hehe. I did not read the PC Gamer article either, BTW, but I've just been evaluating what people have written about it on the forums, and I got the impression that saber control would be more of the same. I could be wrong, I could be right. I'm not saying either way, but that doesn't mean we can't talk about it right?

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I've said this before and I'll say it again; the only way to get total sabre control in the game would be to have a controller and have one analouge stick controll movement while the other control the sabre movement. I swear that controll implementaion is the only thing saving Obi-Wan from being total crap.

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i think its time to get back doing things, every thing just stoped during the attack and even for days after but its been almost a week and even bush is saying go back to work and you jobs n'stuff

i dont mean to sound calous or harsh or anything like that but people have to stop with the "oh lets all express sorrow and anger for america and show them that we care"

(im not saying i dont feel the same)

its just that we all feel the impact of this even and we all feel for the americans who have had losses

but if just sit and dwell on this

it will lead to a true terrorist vicotry

and I dont partcualy want to see that in the world

for example i was talking(to my brother about a game of counter strike)that i had with my brother,and my mother was getting angry at me and telling me off for "bandying about the word terrorist"

point is i think america knows that we are all here and will support them ,so plz dont assume that cause people are wanting to talk about JKII in the JKII forum that they dont give a **** what happened, but we have to keep the wheels turning. K?


Hope i havent totaly offended anyone but its proly hard not to with this issue

Wolf :):(


[ September 17, 2001: Message edited by: Wolf ]

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even just making the secondary fire option have different moves based on where you were moving would be a step forward..effectively doubling the number of moves.

(I still think it should do kicks so you can mix kicks and saber moves..but that is just my opinion. )


I just got a chance to play Power Battles for the 1st time. Pretty poor..but i quite liked the way you blocked incoming fire. Holding block just deflected them off, but hitting block at the right time sent it back..more lethal but more risky. Definately better than the silly EP1 method.. and sounds better than the one in OB1 looked.


What is with all these flags that have popped up everywhere? Is this really the place for that sort of thing? As far as i can tell from china this all seems to have started the US off on exactly the sort of actions that made halff the world see them as the enemy in the first place... and dragged along a lot of other countries for the ride. I wish blair would stand up for himself occasionally instead of just jumping everytime the US says so. I didn't realise what a bad idea most of the world had of the UK till i started traveling around in it. See.. now you have got me started. doh. back to the game...

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Ofcourse the lightsaber control will be enhanced...i mean for crying out loud the Raven people arent stupid.


I think they would be crazy not to.

Have a little faith people...its going to be a beautiful mother of a game and the lightsaber control will be a lot more "movie-like" and more enhanced then as it was before.

(dont know this for a fact but its fair to assume right? :D )

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Originally posted by Sarcastic Saint:

<STRONG>Raven people arent stupid.</STRONG>


I'm pretty sure we're not... rest assured, there will be *significantly* more saber animations than in JK, even if we can't do everything we're attempting to do. It's been 4 years since JK and the technology is up to the task, so... *How* exactly you will control the saber is still being tweaked and played with, but I have confidence that it will be cool-looking, easy to use, and fun to play.


[ September 26, 2001: Message edited by: ChangKhan[RAVEN] ]

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it is starting to sound like the system will work the same..just have better, mre varied animations while doing it... (or am i just too jaded by the double talk of politicians and chinese postcard vendors?)


mind you.. if there is position based damage then that alone might add some interesting variation to the fights...

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I guess what I'm saying is...well you know that there will be position based hits. But will you be able to choose which position you are shooting for? I mean, will you have to crouch to hit someone in the leg? Or will you have to hit the fire button three times before it hits their right arm? It's that kind of control that I want.


Thank you for your input as well Chang. Do you have to get clearance from Raven before you say all the stuff you've been saying around the forums? Either way, we really appreciate it. :)

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