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Motion capture - yes or no?


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Anybody think the characters (at least the humanoid ones) will use motion-capture animation, or be animated the old-fashioned way? Having never played a Quake III powered game, I haven't seen what it's skeletal animation system is like, assuming that's what it uses, but in most cases motion-captured opponents are 150% more lifelike than those that aren't. Since Raven's implementing this feature in SOF2, would it be safe to assume they're spending the money to do the same with JKII?

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Whenever i see manually animated characters they don't look authentic to me. The most realistic CG we've ever seen was in the Final Fantasy movie. Motion capture was used for all the body movements, except the faces.


Im pretty sure all the animation of the game (JK2) has already been done. From the videos we've seen the animation looks pretty sweet. So don't worry too much, i think its all coming along well.

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To be blunt, you guys really should read the reviews before you talk on the forums. Yes they are using motion capture on this game. I didn't know what is was originally so I asked a friend who is a bigger gamer than me. (For those of you who don't know it's basically hooking sensors up to a REAL person and having them run, jump, etc. and putting those readings in the game to make the character's movement look real.) But YEAH they are going to have motion capture in this game. ;)

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