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Official - GB units THICK AS HELL

Guest DarthMaulUK

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Guest DarthMaulUK



Fortress , gun towers etc only seem to shoot at buildings without any guns or defences.


I mean...why not shoot at other guntowers or forts rather than bloody walls!!!!!



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Why don't you ever reply to the alredy existing threads on the subject?! You'll find 8 identical threads on the fighters alone. Grrrr!


Okay, I'll bear with you and answer your question about buildings firing at walls. Select a building and right-click on an enemy to make it fire at that enemy. It's not exactly an IQ-test :rolleyes:.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

If im busy doing something, I should be able to rely on my defences to take out any threats - i dont consider a wall or a farm to be a threat....do you?


This is something they should have looked at



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