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Lots of Dark Jedi?


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Denise, I agree with you, but with Yoda, he initially provided a little comic relief. Then, in his hut with Luke, he had a conversation with Ben Kenobi's voice, and dramatically revealed himself to be a Jedi Master.

Unless they can work a dramatic revelation into an FMV sequence, a lot of the charm that Yoda had will be missing. That is, if you think a Dark Jedi can be charming ;)


For example, if they made the maybe-boss one of the friendly civilians who help you, and then revealed himself to be a Dark Jedi, attacking when you least expect it(whoops, I just spoiled it for everyone :D ) it would be pretty cool, but otherwise, I don't think gamers will naturally expect the unexpected.

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Originally posted by Wraith Leader:

<STRONG>I'm hoping for some kind of Sith insurgency :D , where there is an extremely well trained Sith as a boss, and several clones of him spread throughout the game--with no Force powers--and maybe an apprentice who attacks you on two or three levels. :eek:

But I also hope they don't have entire levels for a single saber fight, as in JK. I want these fights to be integrated into ordinary levels, so as to surprise you. Perhaps a cool FMV sequence to introduce them, but not the descriptive stuff that was in JK. More like a few flourishes of the saber, or a dropping of a cape like Darth Maul and the two TPM Jedi.

Agree, anyone?</STRONG>


GAH!!!, NO FMV!!! The cut scenes SHOULD be in-game like metalgearsolid 1 & 2!! And dont give me this crap on how fmv looks better, well true but it does take more time to make fmv than in-game, and besides with todays game graphics, in-game is often mistaken for fmv!! :rolleyes: And i hope they introduce the dark jedi ( no sith, sith are gone for good, unless a dark jedi discovers a sith temple and learns of the past and code of the sith) in like a drop in as stated above, maybe two dark jedi, making it harder and if you made friends with a jedi npc (as stated in the video) it would be easier to fight the two dark jedi (as stated in the video!!) :D

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