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Kyle Vr. Luke


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Kyle Katarn VS. Luke Skywalker in a deathmatch. How sweet could it get ???


Tremors is the Force suggest that Luke has a strong presence within the Force collective.


Kyle's presence, on the other hand, is still marginally small.


Luke has SOME training in fighting a Sith Lord.


Kyle, well, that's not needed to explain. He's faced and beated 5 Dark Jedi in combat, saved the galagy from TOTAL ANNIHALATION and will do so again in SW: JK II: Jedi Outcast






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Mercenary_Turned_Jedi, in reading your post, I wonder if you have read the whole topic as you should have done, or if you merely read the topic heading. I carry this suspicion, because you have used arguments that have been used in this topic time and time again, and have proved nothing. So, for the last time, I will prove them wrong. Everyone has presence in the force except Yuuzhan Vong. How easily your presence is sensed merely depends on how good your character is, your pride, etc. Luke fought the most powerful practitioneer of the dark side, the Sith Lord Darth Vader. In truth, the Emperor most likely merely pretended he was more powerful than Vader. The only reason Vader could not have killed Luke was because of a mental factor. And that factor was, Luke was his son. Just because Kyle killed 7 Dark Jedi, (yes, the correct plural is Jedi, not Jedis) says nothing about his strength and skill. The 7 dark Jedi could have been total weaklings as Dark Jedi go. No, no one in the galaxy has saved it from total annihilation, for if the enemy wanted to totally annihilate it, they would have no where to stay at all. The Empire needs to keep some people alive because they need people to control. The only ones not interested in keeping at least some of the populace alive are the Yuuzhan Vong, but they still do not want to destroy the galaxy itself.


Gonk8ter, you forget, JK or not, a stormtrooper rifle's range is far greater than point blank. In normal circumstances (not in JK) they would be shooting at a distance. Also, a 'real' Jedi would have far more control over force destruction and probably would be able to control the wash.


Dnalor, whether you are a fan of someone or not does not decide whether they are best or worst.


Syndrix, I must say that I find it a relief to see some people are argueing intelligently not like some *ahem* people who I mentioned in the top of my post. I cannot truely argue against you this time, for those are truely points that we would have to ask George Lucas about. Luke is the leader of the Jedi Order now, and most of those Jedi agree with me, however, that could just be because Luke got the entirely wrong end of the stick, or they got the entirely wrong end of the stick from Luke. But I still cling to my previously stated beliefs. I suspect we will find out in Episode II, or when they release pre-prequel novels covering the Stark Hyperspace Wars of which Plo Koon had to lead etc. :)

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This issue of which Jedi is stronger, doesn't concern the GALACTIC EMPIRE. If Emperor Palpatine (A.K.A. : Darth Sidious) REALLLY wanted to destroy the galaxy, he'd have done it when he became Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic.


Begun, the Clone War has. As so to say "A Jedi's strength flows from the Force. You will know the good from the bad, when you are at peace. Calm. Clear your mind, and listen to the Force."

Looks like a certain Jedi Master was right all along.

And I find your lack of faith disturbing,

En Taro Taldarin.







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Well, Luke has already gone :eek: considering that she is Mara Jade and Luke is married to her and in the New Jedi Order series she is pregnant. ;)


Using pictures to 're-say' what you had previously said does not change my words against it. Perhaps you mistake my meaning though, I'm not saying Luke would win, as I despise him. What I'm saying is that it's impossible to tell with the little information we have. Personally, I wish Kyle would win, but I really don't know.

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Guest Kurgan

Let's see here.


Luke and Mara = lovers


Luke and Kyle = one time teacher and pupil


Kyle and Mara = teacher and pupil


In a fair fight it could go either way, but I'd tend to go with Kyle. ; )



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then why would Vader say Obiwan was wise to hide them if he knew they were on Tatooine. ANYWHO...


when the heck was Kyle ever Luke's pupil??? Did I miss a book or something??


and as far as Mara being Kyle's pupil, man, I don't even count MOTS as being a part of DF continuity even.

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