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Secret Area's and the force


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And so Syndrix said "think". And from the word came thought. And from that thought an idea was bought into being...


How will they implement the force advancement system in JK2, in SP. I believe over on the JK.NET forums I presented a case for an RPG type system in MP. What resulted was I was shot down in flames by Wilhuf, and I do agree now (what can I say, guess I was just in an RPG mood) that it should be more JKish (ie Just a FPS with a little something extra, force and saber) and less Deus Ex-ish (ie lots of role playing systems, skills and the Mod upgade thing). Especially in MP.


Now having said that there is one thing in JK2 that can afford to be a little RPGish and that is force power advancement. Why I heard no one asking but is an issue I want to deal with anyway. Simple, it is purely SP, if Raven do what LEC did in JK and just allow you to select a force level in MP, then how you advance in force powers in SP will not affect MP at all.


In JK as you advanced through levels you gained some stars and got bonus ones if you found enough secrets in the level. This system seemed Ok at the time, but in JK2 I would prefer an alternate. Firstly by not basing the entire star system on secrets it assumed we were dumb unadventurous types. Some may say this was for people who just run around blasting without looking and observing (pure FPS), because they still got stars and experienced force use. But isnt the whole fun of SP that it brings something to the game that MP doesnt.


Secondly, the whole secret thing, while acceptable in game terms, didnt really make sense in a story/world sense. How does finding secrets help Kyle advance his skills in the force? I keep trying to rationalise it but it just doesnt work, maybe because the secrets constitute "check points" in his training and its not really the secrets but more traing uping his force skill. But if this were the case wouldnt he get all the benefits at the end of each level anyway because finding the secrets doesnt mean he actually worked any harder. See, I just cant work it out.


At this point you may be saying, "geez he's been into the scotch, it was just a system for advancement and you shouldnt analyse it that much". To that I say... umm.. well..it should, no thats not it... DAMMIT.


But seriously, force advancement is a major "player" in the JK universe. It is not just a little side extra that a few people think is good. And being that it is so conjoined, the proccess of advancing should make sense in the universe, just as the plot does (or should).



Now having said that I think it should be done better in JK2, I believe I suggested a system where the more you use a power the stronger it gets in the post I talked about at the start of this post. That way if you neglect a force power when you go to use it (perhaps in a tight situation), it wont work a well as some of your other, more favoured, powers and perhaps you lose the advantage you would have had with more "training" of that power.


Anyway tell me how you think force power advancement should work in SP. I does not neccisariliy have to be in line with the "what makes sense in a theoretical world" as I rambled on about above. If you like the secrets way then you like the secrets way. It entirely up to you... :)


[ July 02, 2001: Message edited by: Syndrix ]

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I wish I had an answer for you. I myself am not sure how this should be done. But perhaps by sheer exercising of a specific force power, as we exercise our body, it would gain in strength, as the user learns to control it better.

There. It seems I do have an possible answer. :)


[ June 29, 2001: Message edited by: Ice Man ]

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Umm, I don't mean to be insulting, Iceman, but isnt that pretty much what I suggested in the second last paragraph of my rant.


Anyway, another system might be where you get to asign new stars ( I wonder if they will still have the stars to represent the ability level of a power) after defeating a certain number of enemies or perhaps after completing a task or mission objective. That way some objectives could be optional, not having to be completed but if you do you get force experience. Just a thought.

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