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New forces


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You know what would be a great new force power (fp) to put in the game?? Force enemy.


This new power will let you see trough the eyes of the enemy, or let you completly control him, so that you can jump of a cliff or something like that.


I remember from the good old days that there was a patch for JK1 where you could cast some sort of fp against your enemy, and you could see trough his eyes...


So what are your views on new force powers???Which ones do you think should be included??

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How about instead of controling his actions, he fights along side you for a brief period of time. Then you always have the option of killing him before he gets out of his confused state.


Another version of this could be an area effect force power. It causes all the enemys in the area, to think that your enemies are their enemies. After they kill themselves, you can mop up the rest.

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hello, welcome to our forums...


I would like to see the removal of Destuction and Deadly Sight as I think they are "un starwarsy." (Kurgan and Vagabond seem to disagree with this, they think the more the merrier.)


I would like to start with about 85% of the force powers at the start but make them really weak because he has been on the sidelines for so long. and only towards the middle of the game acquire the newer ones.


Some people like a force style like JK, but I prefer the system that OB1 was going to implement, so you wouldn't be able to have 10 force powers going at the same time...



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