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Counter-Strike for JK2


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Hello All


I am new to these forums. So hows it going.


Being a programmer and very interested in JK2 and Counter Strike I have a couple of comments related to a "CS JK".


First to the guy wanting to do the mod..or TC..you have one big unknown at this point. If they do not allow you access to the engine...that is through some formal SDK you will NOT be able to do a mod. However, you will probably be able to do a mod based solely on new maps. But all game functionality is still inherit to JK2.


I am been ambisious enough to persue a HL TC in the past based on the Star Wars universe and unless Lucas Arts is willing to give up potential revenue by competing with your mod they probably will not release an SDK.


All that said....


I am personally really hoping for an SDK as well as a level builder of some sort. I am really hoping Lucas Arts will embrace the gaming community with freedom to explore these avenues.


So this is what you have to consider.


Also as a programmer and a little connected with the CS community...most are getting tired of the same old thing. Most want to see something different and involving. I like the idea of an astromech taking over bots or doors or something. I would also like to see ION based weapons and a whole lot more.




I look forward to JK2...I am hoping it will offer what the gamers and Star Wars fans are looking for. But I have not yet been let down by Raven...so there is hope.


Thanks All



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Welcome to the forums JediMastyre

Iv not been checking this thread, but as Mastyre says, an SDK released by LEC would be great to make good TCs

Who knows, maybe we get it


About a level builder, Im 99% sure JORadiant or similar will be released

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  • 2 weeks later...

key thing here is... why would we even WANT a counter-strike-type mod for JK2 (or JK for that matter)? I can see the class-based gameplay for something like CTF or UT's Assault mode or something, but why ANOTHER direct rip of CS? I mean, sure, it'd be prettier than HL, but ultimately I'd be looking forward to something along the lines of "Jedi Fortress" (TFC). All in all I'm hoping for enough modding and mapping talent to come to JK2 and grow out of the exisiting JK community for us to have some distinct JK2 mods, instead of paltry rehashings of popular mods.


What I'm really hoping for is a revival of Infiltrate!... that'd be great. That was an outstanding mod (for its time), and is still basically the only semi-complete multiplayer mod that has been released for JK. Not only that, it was original. There was no mod like it for Q2, and UT wouldn't be released for a year. There was nothing like it. All in all I'm saying, WE DON'T NEED REHASHES. CS is an excellent mod. It's for HL. Let's leave it that way, please. Last thing we need is the whining, swearing, all-around idiotic 12-year olds who populate the pub servers in CS to be JEDI of all things.. And you thought grip was cheap NOW.. yeesh..




(Must.. find.. old.. forum.. password...) :mob:

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