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I recieved an e-mail from "jane champlin" with two files. No title other then "RE:" No return adresse. When I just simply click it in Outlook Expresse I get a message if I want to download it. I clicked 'CANCEL'.


Since I didn't get Norton Antivirus for WinXP yet I cannot scan it. Please tell me if anybody else did get something similar.


I got it at my jackal@jediknightii.net account


(I posted this in multiple forums just to make sure everybody gets it)

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Guest Vagabond

I got it too - I forward my JKII email to my Yahoo account, which has a virus scanner. When I scanned the attachments, it warned of a virus that cannot be cleaned, so whatever you do, don't download it. Seems we JKII staff get alot of infested email like this...we must be cautious.

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I'm now getting several of the virus attached "Re: " blank emails a day now.. nearly all from the LGN related mailing lists.


Dang annoying.. I just use NAV to autoscan email, but it's really annoying. I can block addy's, but it still appears in my trash so I know it was sent.


Every time it's been the BadTrans virus. It is starting to outpace Sircam on my list of "most frequently recieved instant delete emails" I get every day. ; p


Yeah, everybody be smart and scan your email, and all attachments, keep your virii definitions up-to-date. Can't be too careful these days...



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