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book question

Guest kyrosmagi

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Guest kyrosmagi

ok, what new jedi order book explains what anakin thinks about the force(i think this is the best way 2 describe it) i have read the book where anakin can first sence the vong, and then decided that they must have been in the force at one time(i believe it was the story about the jedi academy) and the next book i read was the book about, well lets see, anakin kissed, mara had her baby, and they destroyed the world ship that had the light speed abilities. so once again, is there one of the books that explains what anakin thought about the force, bc now he can sence the vong, and if there is, what book is it?

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I remember the world ship book, but I can't remember its name. I know it wasn't part of a series though. The stroy was the Han and Leia's kids were kidnapped by a powerful sith, who was trained by the Emporer. This guy, an alien, was granted a wolrd ship. He also destroyed hhis own homeworld, and the rest of his race were sent an automated ships to another planet, but these ships contained no hyperdrives. So, the entire race was put into stasis for the trip. Back to the story, this powerful sith goes around the galaxy finding children strong in the force, and trains them to become dark jedi. Eventually, Leia finds the ship and rescues all the kids, and the sith guy was killed (I think, not sure on that last part) :eek:

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