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Obi-Wan for X-Box


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I was reading a very revealing preview of Obi-Wan:



I must say the SP campaign sounds like a glorified TPM for PC. The summaries of almost all of the missions are completely ridiculous. Oh well, I wasn't expecting anything anyway.


BTW check out this quote from the preview:

Today, we continue our coverage of LucasArts' third game in its Dark Forces series


That guy has some nerve classifying this piece of crap as Dark Forces. :D

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[edit - Gonk holds a mirror up to Philbo's face. "Take a look in here next time you feel like insulting other people"]that preview is almost A YEAR OLD NOW. you're looking at an older one from when it WAS for PC and it WAS considered the 3rd Dark Forces game


[ November 15, 2001: Message edited by: GonkH8er ]

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