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who are the Yuzzhan Vong?


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Good question. Some folks were talking about them on here recently and from what I gathered they are some new "villians" introduced in the "new jedi order" (?) novel series (which is a collection of SW EU novels that are still being made as far as I know).


Basically it sounds like they are an end-all be-all villian group that is unstoppable. Sort of like the borg meets the predators or something. They can resist the force, resist lightsabers and all this crap or something.


Some super race of evil aliens who want to take over everything or kill everybody or eat them or something.


But ask somebody who's actually read the books for a better idea. ; )


As far as I know, they did not exist in the SW universe before recent years when the novels came out and were not mentioned in any of the Dark Forces games currently out (or any SW game yet for that matter).




[ October 29, 2001: Message edited by: Kurgan ]

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