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Radeon 8500 vs. Geforce3 Ti500 Rant...Maybe a little PC stuff thrown in =)


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I guess all of you who understand about 3d cards know about Trueform

I read an article about it some time ago, before the 8500 was released I think

Now I remembered it, and Its really amazing

I think the game needs to be optimized for trueform for it to work, but when It is activated, Is it too resoure consuming? can the card stand it or is it like using FSAA in the first cards that had the option?

I was looking at JO shots in LEC page, and the last one, the ST rifle close up make me wish I had a Radeon 8500 to play everything with trueform


So, 3D cards experts, could you please post your opinions on this?

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holy $hit!


anyways, i keep my old compy for network gaming. i get decent framerates on CS at 800x600x32. u wanna see crappy, check out my friend's sad excuse for a compy:



8mb RAM

2gb HD

non-3D, dont know wtf teh model is, 1mb VRAM card

printer that broke

15" monitor

at 512x384x16 he gets a fps of somewhere between 8 and 15 for JK


now THAT is an old compy



that truform looks awesome, if it ever gets implemented into decent games; as opposed to Petz




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at 512x384x16 he gets a fps of somewhere between 8 and 15 for JK

That reminds me when I first played JK, I had a 486...


In some previews Iv read truform should work on any game

But I read that there is a patch for serious sam to enable it. So I dont know If its necessary a patch or you can run any game with truform

According to ATI It shouldnt reduce performance at all

Do current ATI drivers support this or not yet?

If they do Im sure someone here must have a Radeon 8500

Does this truform thing really work as expected?

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