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Metal Gear Solid 2


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I just finished this baby a few hours ago, and I'm still kinda hazy.


It took me around 18 hours to beat it which is not bad considering the first MGS took around 10 hours.


I won't spoil anything for those who haven't played it, but it had some of the most unique moments ever in a game. Control was flawless, story was well thought out, and it had one of the best endings for a game, right up there with Xenogears and Chrono Cross/Trigger.


Now this is the kind of ending that belongs in all good games, not some fancy "The End" screen. When you finish it, not only are you stunned by all of the plot twists, but after the mentally exhausting turn of events, in the end there feel's like a sense of purpose, like there was actually a point to playing the game and something to learn from it.


It really can't be put into words, I advise everyone who considers themselves to be a gamer to play through this game.


Still so many unanswered questions......I can smell MGS 3 from here. :)

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