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Anybody got/played Delta Force?

Guest Rogue15

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Guest Rogue15

I bought it for $10, it's not too bad of a game since it runs perfectly on my computer. I'm on the bomb level where i have to retrieve a bomb. almost beat it, i had all the enemies except 1 killed, and i took out a grenade just for fun, and accidentally killed myself. After like 40 minutes of killing those stupid terrorists too!

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Delta Force is great, do you have, or plan on getting Delta Force 2 or the latest version? I have one and 2, but not the latest. And since i bought 1 and 2 together, I never really played through the first one, as the second one is way better. But these games are fun, a good challenge and the MP games are great....good luck, and I highly reccomend the 2nd version( and I'm assuming that the latest will be great as well)

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