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Naboo's assault mech

Guest Bobio

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Guest Maul403

i dont think they have an assualt mech...not sure though..and why would it be a juggernaut? that wasn't even around in EP1 times

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Guest ReaperFett

yeah, but I doubt Mechs will be a large think in Naboo armies, more occasional support.



Heh, 100th post, and it is about Naboo :)

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Yeah, but did they just make it up for the game? If they did, and there was an alternative, like the juggernaut around, they should have gone wiht the juggernaut :eek:

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Originally posted by DSSITHMASTER

juggernot is not a naboo weapon


It was used by the old republic, which Naboo was a part off. I quote "The vehicle was first built durring the wanning days of the Old Republic for use by the planetary governments that had begun builsing their own defense forces." :eek:

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It wa sbought by planetary governments for their own defense forces, as in it could easilly have been bought by the the Nabooian(Is that a word?) government for their own armies :eek:

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Guest xwing guy

The juggarnaut is the Rebel assault mech. Because of that they devolped the steadfast speeder, but I think the Naboo could have got juggarnauts, but they just didn't have any.

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Guest Tie Guy
Originally posted by xwing guy

The juggarnaut is the Rebel assault mech. Because of that they devolped the steadfast speeder, but I think the Naboo could have got juggarnauts, but they just didn't have any.


I'm pretty sure that the Juggernaught is the "Pre-assault mech" of the rebels. The heavy assault tank is the final assault mech i believe.

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