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Are grenadiers good against Shields?


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I'm curious. I see in the trech tree that they do have a bonus or are good against mechs and shields. I wasn't convinced so I did some tests. I had a group of about 7 upgraded grenadiers focus on attacking a structure that was in the shield. As I did this, I clicked on the generator to see what effect it had. It did take a bit off but the shield regenerated too quickly. so massed a group of 15 with a little success. I don't think in the demo I would want to mass so many grenadiers with a pop limit of 75 espescially in a multiplayer game. (I tested it offline. Most people know how to do that.) What kind of army could possibly attack the shields effectively? I know I had more succes with pummels/artillery backed by strike mechs and a few jedi and mech destroyers. Maybe adding a few grenadiers would add to a good mix? Of course I would also have 2 or 3 anti-air troopers for those who will try to attack my forces with ships. Wonder what your conclusions could be.


I know this would probably be better suited in a different forum but there is not much going on in those forums.

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I believe that maybe the Grenadier is not good against the bildings In the sheild, but against the shield itself. I'm not possitive, but try your test by sending a group of grenediers at the shield generator itself and see how fast the thing comes back. I'm fairly confident that the shield will drain pretty fast allowing your standard units to easily take out any units or buildings that had previously been under the shield.

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