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Guest Krayt Tion

A) We do NOT know who is responsible for these attacks at this time


b) Palestinians are NOT a race


c) Expressions of GENOCIDE are NOT going to fly here for crying out loud.


We will NOT be abandoning any sense of human decency in the midst of this tragedy as far as this little corner of internet is concerned. These forums will never be a harbor for the lack of respect for human life.


Anyone that wants to test this can expect to be banned.

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Krayt is right, we will not stand for abuse of this forum to call for violence against people.


This forum is not a platform for hate speech. Obviously I and all Americans are deeply saddened and angered by this tragedy.


Our government is searching for the ones responsible and justice is being sought.


I only hope and pray that they can be brought to justice without a major war or other madness resulting from these terrorist acts.


That said, let's not go around saying we need to exterminate such and such a group of people (even if a small portion of them MAY be guilty). Until their identities are proven, we should not jump to such rash conclusions.


Besides, if we did what you asked, we'd be no better than the people who did this to the US.


Be careful out there... if everyone keeps a cool head and works together to save as many lives as possible, this too will pass and we'll be able to rebuild.



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