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Jedi Knight officially [NOT] a religion


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One of the most interesting things about us humans is that we all believe in God( on a fundamental level). Even so called atheist. For a group of people that believe that a god doesn't exist, sure do a lot work in trying to disprove it. Actually I hear atheist talk about God more than some Christians(some). Maybe not all people say that the god they believe in is the God of Abraham, But never the less God has instilled in us the awareness of himself. This is that fundamental level of right and wrong that you where talking about. Ask the question, Why is it wrong to kill? why is it wrong to take other peoples property? Where did this engrained knowledg come from.

You know its so funny that people around the world are opening their hearts to God and his son Jesus Christ. There are countries that will KILL you for being a Christian. There are complete underground communities that meet together in secret. Now why is it that people in other countries who have never even heard of Jesus Or God are introduced to him by missionaries and suddenly give up everything they have or have ever known. People around the world are coming to Christ by the thousands, Entire villiages giving up their known way of life because of the wonderful power and Glory of Allmighty God. How do I know this? because I have seen it.


So why is it so hard for us Americans to come to know Christ, To Know God. Well because everthing in our country tells us not to. The music we listen to , the movies we watch, the games we play. Its not just that they enguarge other gods But the insist that there is no God at all. They teach us to believe in only ourselves that we dont need a god that in fact we are god of our own lives. If this is true and everything in the media is right then let me ask you this. Why is the world in the way that is in, Why is America plagued with murder, Difunctional families, Why are our prisons over flowing. Its because we have turned our backs on God. On September 11 all I heard was God this and God that. Please pray for the families that where effected by this tragidy. Funny how it seems when tragidy strikes people start looking for God.


Finnaly,to all other so called gods out there.

Who else has a check in their collum for resurrection?


Trust me when I say this, there will be a Return of the Jedi(Jesus).

I just hope Iam ready. What about you.

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