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more brass hat and parrots


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I read through the other posts about people stuck at this phase, but no one seemed to have exactly my problem. I have the other two parts of the insult, I know how to tell the parrots apart, and I've found the boulder. I've talked to lafeet and casaba and the tourist. I have the puppets. But Guybrush still immediately puts the puppts away when I try to take them out.


Is the stop he needs to be standing in exact or something? Help would be greatly appreciated. (I played up to this part and got stuck here last april or so). Just picked it up again and found this wonderful forum!

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How did you find out that one is lying?

It is necessary that Jumbeaux informs you about it, not that you have found out by yourself or by reading walkthrows.


If however Jumbeaux told you and you still got problems then you are most likely not at the correct boulder. The parrots will flow away at that place and won't come back. If you can whistle and they returns, then it's wrong boulder! :)

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