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OK... I feel I got BURNED on Force Commander... is BG really worth it? Is lag a major factor of multiplayer games? Is there more depth and strategy? Anyone have both and can compare the two? I don't want another FC which sits in my CD Collection collecting dust.

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Well.. thanks for the comparison LOL :)


Anything more specific you can give me? I downloaded the demo, and although it seemed pretty cool (although the image of Vader swing that saber is very humorous) it's only single player, if history repeats itself, I'll never play single player anyway. So how's multiplayer rate?

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Guest DinoDoc
Originally posted by bigphesta

So how's multiplayer rate?


Did you like the mp part of AOK? If so, just imagine AOK mp with Star Wars skins and you'll have a pretty good idea of what SWGB is like. I also have to agree with the earlier poster. The game does indeed rule and is a great improvement over the poor demo.

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Any game that let's a die-hard Star Wars fan (like me) finally have his JUST REVENGE on those annoying ewoks and gungans is ok in my book. :explode: (saaay... i bet i could make the explode animation into a gungan... :evil1: )


:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:



(die!!! --> :ewok::jarjar: )


ok... im done ranting now... you can all post this one... --> :eyeraise:

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Guest Supreme Warlord

This game is very good and very flexible. You can create Sceneario and Replay some scene that you saw in the movie and see what would happen if that did that or if that did that. You know? ALso it is excellent in multi player game. THe Mission is excellent and dont take forever to complete. However for Naboo they suck beyond all reason and i hate them to the end. IN other word your money is well worth if you like stragey and star wars. It has a lot of variety too!!:) hope this helps you

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