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just though i would post this here... well duh! :rolleyes: anyways:



quotes from soccer players:



"-Even if i had 2 lungs i would get that ball"


"-Playing in Mexico is better: they pay u weekly, each 15 days.


"-A soccer classic is a soccer classic and vice-versa"


"-My team was at the verge of the cliff, but took the right decision: stept forward


"-The hard part of playing soccer aint easy"


"-We will be always greatfull for all the Cokes they sent us. Thank you Pepsi"


"-That ball went against the laws of gravitation"


"-We lost from 12-0, but we still have some pride!"


"-A good soccer team has to be complete as a duck, cause the duck walks in the land and walks in the water"


"-If no1 wins, there's gonna be a tie"


"-The rules of soccer are clear: the team who wins is the winner, exept when it loses"


"-Soccer is like a surprise box: u never know wots inside, unless u open it"


"-They say that i dont have a heart because i played against the team i loved, but thats not true: if i didnt have a heart i wouldnt be able to play"


"-That reffery is crazy! he said the ball didnt enter completelly the goal, but he was too far to see wot i saw: it went in, but it came back"


"REPORTER: How would u rate your team after this lost?

-Our team is exelent!

REPORTERS: But u lost 5-2!

-Well the other teams are even better."


"-Playing in foreign countries is good, cause then we dont understand their offences"


"-I didnt like that reffery. he said that wot he said is said, and no1 have a saying to say on that."





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