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List Of Scenarios & Campaigns Currently In The Making

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:fett: Here is a list of scenarios & campaigns currently in the making.


Tantive IV Assault - scenario

Tatooine Occupation - campaign

Rescue The Princess - campaign

After The Battle Of Yavin - scenario

Battle Of Hoth - campaign

Cloud City Occupation - scenario

Battle Of Endor - scenario

Battle Of Coruscant 1 - campaign

Battle Of Coruscant 2 - campaign

Kessel Rescue - scenario

Battle Of Mon Calamari - scenario

The Clone Wars - campaign

Battle Of Naboo - campaign

Leaving Tatooine - scenario

Corellia Rescue - scenario

Naboo Occupation - campaign

The Dark Trooper Project - campaign

Battle Of Ord Mantell - campaign

Battle of Nar Shaddaa - scenario

Battle Of Myrkr - scenario

Battle Of Yavin - scenario

Battle Of Kashyyyk - campaign

Battle Of Ralltiir - scenario

The Bounty Hunter Wars - scenario

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