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Frustrating recording bug


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Guest Supreme Warlord

Never notice this.... It works for me just fine it may be your game. If it continue to presist then reinstall it. Hope this helps

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Guest IdLe_WorkeR

If you exit a recorded game and resume it later, the recording will only include the initial part of the game. Also, if your PC should crash or SW:BG crash, the recording will not be saved.


I've had recordings that went to 7mg (no comments about human player incompetence, please!), so I doubt that game length is a problem for the recording function. Human stamina against a computer opponent at hardest on Kashyyyk IS a problem.


Also, I don't know if recordings from the demo will play in the retail version.

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Idle Worker none of the reasons you listed for incomplete recordings occured in my game. The game never crashed and I played it to the end.




Wait a minute, are you saying if you save a game that is being recorded and then resume it the recording will only go to the point you saved it? If so, that may have been what occured and I hope they can patch that.

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