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Transporting troops in mechs?

Guest TomChick

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Guest TomChick

Some mechs have room to transport troops, but I haven't found any use for this. Do any of you guys use this feature? How does it come in handy?



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Guest Chad Skywalker

On Hard and Hardest mode the computer will target your workers first. So it is a safe way to move in and then build up some buildings/turrets.


At least that is my experience.

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you move in a force of mech destroyers.

not wanting to risk the carnage of mech destroyer vs mech destroyer battles, your opponent moves in a force of grenadiers to waste your force. Imagine his surprise whtn you unload your Droidekas and proceed to waste his grenade troops:D :D


also, it allows tyou to keep special purpose units (like AA or grenade troops) safe while they are not needed

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I'll transport some workers or medics in mechs so I can heal on the battlefield. When my army isn't in combat I just pull them out and put them to work. With Assult Mechs and Jedi/Sith it's a lot cheaper to repair/heal them then it is to make new ones. I suppose you could also take some workers with you and drop them off to make a forward base while you attack his town. I really can't see mechs being used as a troop transport since most of the units are faster then them to start with.

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Guest Supreme Warlord

Agreed Kudar but however like the previous post said "suprise" They have the element of suprise because the enemy does not know what is in it. So it make it worthwhile. I do this alot when attacking. it help me a great amt. Like for instant workers can get to their work site very quickly if i was to build a fortess inside their base. So I unload 10 workers and not a single blaster fire has come up on them when they enter the base the carrier absorbs it. Hope this explain why it has that feature

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Guest Chad Skywalker

The Mech Destoryer is a smaller unit, thus only room for 1..


The Hvy Mechs (Tech Level 4) i believe can carry 10.


Come to think of it my buddy did put in a bunch of Jedi Master in one and unleased them, that hurt alot.

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They're so you can shield your troops from the burst-fire of Assault mechs. Run in with your mech destroyers, kill the assault mechs/Strikemechs/Droidekas , then unload the troops. Or you can put workers in them to keep them safe so you can build at the enemy. Or Jedi, etc.

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Originally posted by DroideCog

you move in a force of mech destroyers.

not wanting to risk the carnage of mech destroyer vs mech destroyer battles, your opponent moves in a force of grenadiers to waste your force. Imagine his surprise whtn you unload your Droidekas and proceed to waste his grenade troops:D :D


also, it allows tyou to keep special purpose units (like AA or grenade troops) safe while they are not needed


Grenadiers also lay waste to droidekas, I would load them up with BH

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