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Raven members, please use the cool game feature!


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Hello Raven People,


I beg of you to use this suggestion in JKII, this would make playing Jedi so much more realistic, it would be awesome:


"At the lowest skill level, the "danger sense" might only be 50% reliable. So people can still target you without your knowledge half the time


At higher levels, the ability would not only be 100% reliable, but might also show a little "arrow" from which direction the danger is coming. It could also show MULTIPLE arrows if, say, 2 players have you targetted at the same time. This would help stop "jamming" tactics, where one player fills your danger sense meter while another fires at you from someplace else.


But no auto-dodging. It causes more problems than it solves, and would probably be VERY annoying. Not worth trying to implement it."


Hear our call!



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Forgive me, but as this is an FPS, I see no need for a "Danger Sense". That is part of the players skill set, and it should not be computer aided or controlled. I could see something like this in Galaxies, but not in JO. It's a good idea, but the player should use his skill in detecting and avoiding shots.


Imagine in a multiplayer free for all, how many arrows would you have pointing? It's ridiculous, and annoying. If you don't have situational awareness as a player you shouldn't play JO, much of your skill is based on it.


It's the skill of the player on this point. Sorry.

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