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I can't get the fish


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If you can't pick up a piece of bait maybe its because you already have a piece of bait in your inventory, as I recall you are only allowed one piece at a time but can take more pieces as you use up your last piece. You can only take the free bait.


The only other thing I can think of is that maybe the bait is in the scupperware but you havn't noticed. Sometimes it can be very hard to capture a fish with the bait and you have to be patient or walk around alot.


I am assuming of course you know how to combine the things that are in your inventory, or else you wouldn't have got that far.


Oh well, thats my n00b thoughts anyway.

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When I look at the scupperware, it says it is an empty container. I have picked up some fish but I go underwater to get rid of it. When I attempt to pick up the fish with the scupperware, it says I know this is useful but how or I can scoop a whole bunch of fish and the bait guy says only one per customer but I have no fish.:confused::mad:

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Originally posted by audraz1

I have the scupperware. I have been to the bait shop. I cannot get the scupperware open or pick up any bait!!! It is driving me crazy!!! Help:confused:




I got the bait without any........scupperware.


It was free. :D

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